Game Jam 2014

This weekend just passed, I and a group of fellow students from Qantm took part in the Global Game Jam.

The theme for the jam was “We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” From this rather simple quote from Anais Nin, teams of game designers had 48 hours to create whatever they liked, simply to show off their skills and push their own potential as designers. My team and I designed a game called Doors. In Doors the player is tasked with finding ‘Someone’, the player is represented as a human silhouette and all other characters in the game are shown the same way. The player must then follow the clues given by other characters to piece together the location and identity of Someone by journeying through different worlds accessed through doors in the lobby. the player only gets a glimpse of each world before stepping through the door and must judge the world on the other side from that.

below is some art from the game and the game can be downloaded from this link

Doors scene - Art by Jessica Rivenell

Doors scene – Art by Jessica Rivenell

Doors scene - Art by Jessica Rivenell

Doors scene – Art by Jessica Rivenell

Doors scene - Art by Jessica Rivenell

Doors scene – Art by Jessica Rivenell